Lump in Armpit
In some women, there is encountered a pea-sized lump in armpit, at times, a lump was sore when pressed. Even just rub against feels pain. But strangely, sometimes no pain at all. Like a fat blob. But the prop, as there is a mound of meat fit straightened hands down.Lump in the armpit because of congenital
According to dr. Aryandono firm, Spb, Bonk, surgeon at the Hospital of the Faculty, the mammary glands in the armpit sticking a congenital abnormality. In some women, the breast glands that were also grown beyond the breast itself. Usually, that's what eventually form a lump in the armpit.Indeed, a lump in armpit may arise due to disruption of the hormonal regulation of the female body. If traced, the growth of mammary glands in the armpit that has started since he was still in the womb. But a new presence felt after she had passed through puberty, which is when breasts begin to grow or expand.
Actually, a lump in the armpit is not dangerous, because an ordinary breast tissue. Sometimes, this disease causes pain and prop. Usually, the pain occurs once a month, when she entered the future months. And "In the period of breast-feeding women, a lump in the armpit also increases in size as the breast enlargement,'' added dr. Teguh.
Lump in armpit because of infection
Obviously, a lump in armpit can be a consequence of an infection. Culprit is a bacterial infection, viruses, protozoa, rickets, or fungi. The infection spreads to the lymph nodes of the skin, ear, nose, or eyes. Such infections can affect the lymph nodes in one part of the body.Basically, it is a lump in armpit inflammation in one lymph node locations. Such as around the neck, groin, and armpit. Infected lymph nodes are usually soft and very painful. Sometimes, the surrounding skin appear red and feel warm. Sufferers also can get a fever. Sac of pus (abscess) may be formed.
Enlarged glands of the body but does not cause pain or redness may indicate a more serious disorder. Therefore, viral infections such as chickenpox, infectious mononucleosis, herpes, cancer or HIV are able to produce a similar lump in armpit.
Lump in armpit because of other factors
In addition to two major factors such as the formation of lumps in armpit and congenital infection, there are also several other factors. One was a bruise on his arm. These lesions could be due to impact or friction.Besides it can also have a cyst, which is a lump in armpit due to ingrown hairs or use of antiperspirants. Cysts are often found in teenagers who have just started to shave their hair.
Then, allergy to certain vaccines can also cause lumps in armpit. The reason, it contains sulfa drugs, iodine, or penicillin. The most likely impact of this is like the measles vaccine, measles, rubella, mumps, and typhoid.
Treating a lump in the armpit
If you feel annoyed with a lump in the armpit , no need to panic . Do not just buy the-counter medicines . You should consult a doctor . The doctor will diagnose the cause of the bumps before formulating a drug or medical treatment appropriate . Blood tests , biopsies , mammography or ultrasound may be performed .Lumps due to allergies can be cured if it is known allergens . The infection can be treated with antibiotics . In the case of unbearable pain in the armpit lump , you may be given pain relievers that are temporary ( and not recommended , in fact ) .
Instead of scaring , if detected serious illnesses such as cancer , the most logical course of action is surgery to remove a lump in the armpit . Be aware of this , especially when there are in your family have a history of cancer sufferers .
Most importantly , quick-quick to find out what's behind your armpits . No need to be embarrassed or money to check their affection . No need to also save more money to buy drugs that are not clear efficacy and safety. Pain due to a lump in the armpit may be worse if you do not get the right treatment. The sooner we know the causes, symptoms and treatment of lump in armpit, the better anyway, so it does not lead to great effect.
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