Signs of Breast Cancer that you should to Know

Lump in Armpit - There are some signs of breast cancer that may have been there to you, but do not realize it. After reading this article, the following are signs of breast cancer that you should to know.

Changes in the shape and size of the breast

The opposite of the usual public perception believed about breast cancer, not all breast tumors cause swelling or lumps on the surface that is easily observed. "The changes that I have observed it is not the swelling of the breast, but rather a change in breast shape becomes more oval than the other, and decreased or changed position," said a California breast cancer patients hope, that knowing her breast cancer at the age of 42 years.

The most effective way that can be done to determine the changes in the breast is to study the shape and size of the mirror. To find out try sitting in front of a mirror, lift your hands, and look from the side, Is the same breast size? Or there are different forms of the two previously unobserved? If 'Yes', then you need to be aware of it and immediately consult a doctor. Another interesting fact, she felt in part to changes in the breast when one part feels tight when using a bra.

Why did it happen?

Growth in the breast tissue or dense breast tissue will cause the shape and size of the breast slightly encouraged but rarely causes signs or symptoms are easily observed with the naked eye.

Pain or aching, lump in armpit

Do you already know that affluent nodes in the neck and throat injuries when the flu? The same thing happened in the spleen nodes in the armpits, because therein the location where the spread of breast cancer for the first time, which is channeled through the lymphatic fluid from the breast. This affects the lymph nodes, which causes it to become swollen, injured, or the beginnings of a bump before a tumor, which could reasonably be perceived change.

Painful lump or pain when pressed on the underarm area is one of the signs that may be indicative of breast cancer. You can check it by pressing the lump gently with fingers. Often there is a lump in armpit that did not feel pain or ache when pressed, the lump could be a tumor that is not harmful software or benign.

Lump i n armpits are generally hard and deeply felt, so it will not move or move when pressed.

Why did it happen?

Lymph nodes located in armpits is the closest area of the breast, the armpit area therefore very easily infected with lymphatic fluid through the channel if there is an infection of the breast area closest example. When breast cancer starts to spread, armpit is the easiest place for cancer cells to metastasize, therefore, to know the stage of breast cancer in the lymph nodes do check on whether positive or negative.

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